Program Description
This program is a National Fire Academy Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education Recognized Program. As such, the successful completion of designated FEMS courses by the student will result in valuable National Fire Academy Certificates. Additionally, students earn required state and national certifications necessary for securing employment with fire departments, industrial firms, governmental agencies, fire protection companies, healthcare agencies, and emergency medical services agencies. Individuals seeking employment in fire and emergency medical services departments will need certifications as a Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician (FF/EMT).
Procedures for Application:
Complete all Tulsa Community College application and entry requirements. Successful completion of the Fire and Emergency Services Certificate from Tulsa Community College is required for entry into the Program. Students with prior learning through academia or life learning may demonstrate that they have met the requirements of the Certificate through transcript review or Prior Learning Assessment. Prior learning students should contact Dr. “Chief” Brown. Students must complete a reading, writing, and math placement test at a successful level in the Testing Center or demonstrate adequate proficiency to enroll in FEMS courses.
For More Information Contact:
School of Engineering & Applied Technology
Northeast Campus: (918) 595-7290
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program you will be able to:
- Communicate within the National Incident Management System.
- Integrate fire service laws, rules, and regulations.
- Sustain professional development with relevant resources.
- Work collaboratively and respectfully within the community.
- Analyze technical information.
- Apply technical information.
Search careers related to Fire & Emergency Medical Services at TCC Career Explorer and visit TCC Career Services to learn more about our free career planning and job preparation services.
Student Organizations
The Fire and Emergency Medical Services Student Association (FEMSSA) is great way to network with other students and professional in the industry. For more information see “Chief” Brown or stop by the Student Life office on campus.
Degree Requirements
View a semester-by-semester course plan of study on the Fire & Emergency Medical Services AAS Degree Map.